Tuesday, May 28, 2019

License plate relocate

The factory license plate is a bit...well...'legal'. It does the job for a touring bike with saddle bags, but not exactly what I am looking for. Motus made an updated license plate bracket with extra stiffeners to prevent breakage, a common issue. I moved this improved bracket to my MST-R and went on to a different type for this bike.

The factory plate holder sticks out a bit far for my taste on the naked bike.

A plate holder was picked up from ebay that does the trick. The unit looks great with all types of adjustments...until you get it. The adjustments are minimal and the gent who came up with the design needs to go back to school and learn how to make things more modular.

The original plate is tucked up under the tail, so a couple of standoffs were used to space the new holder cross piece away from the body a bit. A new cross piece was fabricated and painted as the original that came with the unit was not wide enough. Easy fab work.

The factory wiring was attached and a Deutsch connector was put in for the license plate light. All is working and looks much better. Not at all the 'please pull me over' location that some sport bike guys use. Could be mistaken as factory if you didn't know any better.